Professional Development

We are committed to preparing you for your next role. Our training program includes online modules covering the skills educators need to succeed in the classroom.

Training Resources through Utah State University

Founded as the Substitute Teaching Institute at Utah State University in 1995, provides research-based training materials and services designed to improve student achievement when students are taught by a substitute teacher and to assist those who manage substitute teachers. implements research-based practices to improve recruiting, training, and retention efforts in school districts. 

Harmony Academy Professional Learning

Harmony Academy, formerly Sanford Inspire, is a leading creator of professional development, providing targeted support to teachers. Unlike other resources, their Professional Learning offers free, online, immediately implementable, 30-60 minute learning experiences to improve educator’s individual knowledge, skills, and mindsets. All modules are organized around five Domains of Practice including Learning Environment, Planning & Delivery, Motivation, Student Growth & Achievement, and Professional Practices.

Renew a Teaching License by the Professional Learning Board

The Professional Learning Board provides relevant and research-based online professional development PD for teachers and educators in all 50 states.  With 100% online courses, they help educators stay up-to-date on best-practices, research-based approaches, and current educational philosophies, with the goal to help teachers maintain their teaching certifications.  Teachers On Call substitutes can access some of their content at a discount.  Reach out to for more information about the discounts available

Our training modules focus on helping educators understand how students learn and create a positive learning environment. This professional development is available to all TOC talent.